DNS Wiki
Type Tool
Stackable No
Data Value dec:30105
Mod Included Industrial Craft 2

Weed-EX is a spray used to prevent the growth of weeds on empty Crops. Weed-EX is used most effectively in a Crop-Matron, but be warned, use Weed-EX sparingly. Overuse of Weed-EX will reduce a crop's stats. It is also recommended for Cross Breeding if you have to leave your crops for any period of time. They do get repaired in an Alchemical Chest or an Alchemy Bag with a Talisman of Repair.

Note: Just because no Crops are empty doesn't mean that weeds can not spawn. If you have any crops with a Growth of 24 or higher, it will spread weeds to nearby plants.


Crafting GUI

Redstone Dust

Grin Powder

Empty Cell

